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Blueberry Varieties - Characteristics, Ripening Order and More
Blueberry Varieties 
The first cultivated blueberries were developed in New Jersey in the
early 1900's. Since, many plant breeders have developed new varieties,
suitable for growing in almost all parts of North America and Europe.
They have different ripening dates, flavor variations and even different
colors, aside from blue!
Major branches of the blueberry family
There are 4 main types of blueberries:
- Northern Highbush blueberry varieties which grow best in the
northern U.S. and Canada
- Southern Highbush blueberries do well in moderate areas like
southern parts of the north and the northern parts of the South (think
TN, KY, VA, NC, and west coast) but they are not as commonly grown as
either northern highbush nor rabbiteye types.
- Rabbiteye Blueberries are best suited for the Southeast, and
the Southern Hemisphere.
- Lowbush - typically wild varieties. More commonly grown
in Maine and other parts of New England. Intense flavor.
Similar berries:
While the true blueberry is a native American, there are similar
berries around the world. Most are closely related to blueberries
- Aroniaberries - also
called Chokecherries
- Bilberries - smaller cousins of the blueberry in Europe
- Blaeberry in Scotland and Ireland, smaller, intense flavor;
like a bilberry-
- Honeyberries - Honeyberries are not related to blueberries, but they are blue
berries! Related to honeysuckle,(Lonicera caerulea) they are also
called haskap berry, blue-berried honeysuckle, deepblue honeysuckle,
and sweetberry honeysuckle They are edible with an unusual sweet and
tart flavor.
- Huckleberries - larger blue berries, a bit less sweet,
common to the northern US and Canada
- Saskatoons - Canadians know about Saskatoons. They are native to western
Canada and the northwest of the U.S.. They are larger, a bit
less sweet; almost identic
al to a Huckleberry, with a hint of
- Serviceberries - another name for Saskatoons
- Whorlberry or whortleberry grown in the United
Kingdom. Much like a bilberry.
Varieties of Blueberries in general order of ripening
Since the varieties planted are selected for the climate and area,
we've grouped these to be most useful to you, by their general type
followed by order of ripening. Keep in mind, the actual ripening dates
and even the order can vary considerably from farm to farm, year to
year, state to state; so take this as general order!
Northern Highbush Blueberries
Northern highbush blueberries are generally self-fertile (a.k.a., self-pollinating); but you will get larger and earlier ripening berries if you plant several different
cultivars (varieties) close by for cross-pollination. For those in the
northeast, see Rutgers
University Blueberry Growing Guide
Alphabetical within season
Early season
- Bluetta - very hardy, small dark berries
- Collins - medium size, light blue berries with excellent quality is
Duke - large, easy to pick. Mild, low acidity.
Duke blueberry plants here.
- Earliblue (or Early Blue) - one of the earliest, very popular
- Hannah's Choice - medium large fruit with high sugar content,
firmer, better flavored than Duke.
Reka - Medium size with strong huckleberry-like flavor.
Produces large crops. Get
blueberry plants here
- Spartan - firm and very large, very good flavor. later than other
early varieties, large crop.
- Sunrise - Large size and excellent flavor, not as heavy yielding as
Late Early to early Mid-season
- Patriot - large, firm berries, early bloom, but more midseason ripening.
- Toro - large size, easy to pick, good flavor.
- Weymouth - excellent flavor, a derivative of the wild varieties .
- Berkeley - light blue, firm and very large with very good
storing but only average flavor
- Bluecrop - Medium to large size, variable picking; old variety
- Bluehaven
- moderate crops of large sized, high quality fruit. Very popular for home growing and U-Pick Get
Blueray blueberry plants on Amazon here
- Blueray - medium size with good flavor and high yields
- Cara's Choice - medium sized fruit with 30% more sugar than Duke or
Bluecrop and the berries stay good on the plant for an extended period
- Chippewa - large firm fruit, productive and winter hardy
- Draper - very good flavor
- Hardyblue - Small size but easy to pick; sweetest berry. Good for
- Legacy - Large, firm, sweet, aromatic, excellent flavor and stores
- Northland - medium sized, dark,s oft berries; extremely
- Nui - Very large size and excellent flavor but light yields
- Olympia - Medium to small size, excellent flavor
- Rubel- derived from a wild variety, small, firm, dark berries,
similar to low bush varieties, but only average flavor
- Sierra - large firm berries
Mid to late season
- Bluegold - Medium to large size, yields vary from season to season
Chandler - Very popular due to its large size and good flavor.
Chandler blueberry plants here.
- Darrow - Their size varies, easy to pick; excellent flavor. /li>
- Nelson - Large size, very good flavor, the berries can stay on
the bush for extended periods.
Late season
- Aurora - a new variety, 5 days after Elliot; firm , large berries
that store well; very good yield.
- Brigitta - large, firm, flavorful fruit that stores well. The plant
grows late into the fall
- Coville - Large, firm, highly aromatic, tart, very good flavor
Elliot - Late season, large size, easy to pick; tart flavor. Very
good shelf life, 30-45 days in a fridge, Beware not to pick early, turns
blue before ripe. Get
Elliot blueberry plants here.
- Liberty - ripens 5 days before Elliot with better flavor. Stores
- an old cultivar dating to 1928, small, soft berries. Get
Jersey blueberry plants here.
Southern Highbush Blueberries
Don't let the name fool you; while these can be grown in hot
climates, they are still more difficult than rabbiteye varieties and are
better suited for warmer areas of the North. If you do plant these, you should plant several
different cultivars (varieties) of them close by for cross-pollination
Early season:
Rabbiteye Blueberry Varieties
Be sure to plant more than one variety for cross-pollination to
ensure good fruit setting. This is important for Rabbiteye's! See this
UGa article for information about growing rabbiteye blueberries
Also, this article by
Texas A and M has more Rabbiteye Blueberry Growing information. And
for those on the west coast, see this
SFGate Article about Rabbiteye Varieties
Early season
- Austin - large, blue firm berries with good flavor,
- Alapaha - medium sized with good flavor and smaller seeds
Climax - large, medium-dark blue and good flavor.This
is a very reliable blueberry for the Deep South. Get
Climax blueberry plants here.
- Delite - small and light blue, pretty but not a consistent producer
- Montgomery - very productive, medium to large berries, good firmness
and flavor
- Premier - Large berries with good flavor. The plants are vigorous,
disease resistant, and productive.
- Prince - blooms a few days before Climax, medium sized berries, with
good color, firmness and flavor
- Savory - large berries with light blue color, and good firmness and
flavor, but the plant is susceptible to fungus.
- Titan - largest berries
- Vernon - large berries
- Woodard - large, light blue.
Late early to early mid-season
- Briteblue - moderately vigorous, firm, large, light
blue berries, good producer.
Becki Blue - Very good crops of tasty berries; this is a popular southern variety.. Grows 6-10 feet tall and 6-8 feet wide, which makes it a great
hedge, too. Get
Becki Blue blueberry plants here.
Sun Exposure: These rabbiteye blueberry plants flourish in full sun, thriving in sunny locations while
ensuring the best fruit production and flavor.
USDA Growing Zone: Well-suited for USDA zones 7-9, providing enduring beauty and delicious fruit in a
range of climates.
Fruit: Large, juicy berries ripen in mid to late summer, offering a delectable treat for snacking, baking, or preserving.
Brightwell - medium in size, medium blue color, vigorous plants that
produce many new canes. Get
blueberry plants here.
- Garden Blue - very small, light blue berries
Powderblue - disease-resistant, and productive, similar to Tifblue
but more leafy plant, holds up to rainy periods better. Get
Blue blueberry plants here.
Tifblue - large, round, light blue, sweet, very firm, stays
good on the plant for days, most productive of all rabbiteye varieties. Get
blueberry plants here.
Late season
- Baldwin - good flavor and firm, dark blue fruit; with a long
ripening period; good for home gardeners and U-pick
- Centurion - Ripens after Tifblue; good flavored berries, medium
firmness, darker than Tifblue..
Ochlockonee - medium sized with good flavor and smaller seeds.
blueberry plants here.
- Sharpblue - developed at the University of Florida for areas
receiving 600 hours or less of temperatures below 45 degrees.
New Pink Rabbiteye Varieties
Blueberry pests
If you pick blueberries and have seen little white worms in the berries: That is most likely SWD, spotted wing drosophila, the grub or
larval form of a fly. See this page about Spotted Wind Drosophila, identification and controls
Lowbush varieties
Generally only growing up to 18 inches tall
- Top Hat is- used for ornamental landscaping
- Ruby carpet - grows well in USDA zones 3-7.
Blueberry Recipes
Canning and freezing Blueberries: