Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in East of Atlanta - Greene, Morgan, Newton Putnam, Rockdale, counties? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in East of Atlanta - Greene, Morgan, Newton Putnam, Rockdale, counties,
sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name
(see "What does Organic mean?").
The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for
a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this
page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined;
click on it and it will open their website. If you find anything outdated or
inaccurate, see the customer and farmer menus (as appropriate) at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!
New! As inflation remains high, see this page for
reliable (tested) brands of generic canning lids at lower
costs, and cost-saving measures for
getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.
If you are having a hard time
finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.
New! Road tripping and camping is a great way to have a fun, safe and inexpensive
family trip. The national and state parks and monuments are open, and campgrounds usually cost between $10 and $40 per night. September to November is the best
camping weather. See our new website Road Tripping and Camping.com for tips, tricks,
guides, checklists and info about parks, monuments and other places to visit.
New! We just went live with our latest website,
FunFactoryTours.com - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings,
Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas
Note: Beware the copycat websites like the one that stole
our name and uses .farm extension: they copied my work and do NOT even update
the info! I make updates EVERY day. They use tech tricks to get higher rankings,
but have many more inaccuracies and out-dated info. Obviously, I cannot check
every farm every day, but I do check as many as I can every day, and respond to
all requests. They don't. Don't support the scammers!
Remember to always check with the farm's own website or Facebook
page before you go - or call or email them if they don't have a website or
Facebook page. Conditions at the farms and crops can change literally
overnight, so if you want to avoid a wasted trip out there - check with
the farm directly before you go!
And if you know of any farms I missed and want to
add a farm, please let me know!
I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find
anything out-of-date, wrong or not working -
please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make
through the links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn
from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the
website and make improvements!
What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:
Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S.
(and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty
much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the
Deep South. Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and
in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's
crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for
seasonal updates.
We also have a website for both
Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for
St. Patrick's
day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)
Children's Consignment Sales
occur in both the Spring and Fall
See our companion website to find a local
community or church kid's consignment sale!
Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children:
See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!
See these pages to find an upcoming local
Strawberry Festival, or a
Cherry or cherry blossom festival
or a Blueberry festival.
Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!
NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and
costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,
with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.
We also have
home canning, jam and jelly
making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access
recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me! It is easy to
make your own ice cream,
even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note,
there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now. They have all
copied their information from here and usually do not ever update. Since
2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see
anything wrong or outdated, please
write me!
East of Atlanta - Greene, Morgan, Newton Putnam, Rockdale, counties U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map.
New: If you are looking for
wineries in Georgia for a tour or tasting, see this page.
Greene County
HEMI Blueberry Farm - blackberries, blueberries,
Muscadines, grapes, U-pick and already picked, restrooms, picnic
1861 Bramlett Road, Greensboro, GA 30642. Phone: (770)
403-7018. Email:
hemi1887@gmail.com. Open: Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5
pm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Blueberries and
Blackberries June 15 to July 15 Muscadines from July 15 to August
15. Payment: Cash, only. Muscadines varieties are as follows: Black Jumbo, Black Butte, Bronze Magnolia
Scuppernong, Bronze Old Fashioned. (UPDATED: June 14, 2022, JBS)(ADDED: June 19, 2017)
Jasper County
Morgan County
- Eden Springs Farm - apples, blackberries,
blueberries, corn (sweet), Muscadines, grapes, peas, peaches, Fresh
eggs, U-pick and already picked, restrooms
1570 Reese Road,
Rutledge, GA 30663. Phone: 888-426-2921. Alternate Phone:
650-954-5758. Email:
info@edenspringsfarm.com. Open: UPDATE for 2019: It looks
like they have changed to a CSA and no longer offer PYO; if you know
otherwise, please write me.Monday to Saturday 10am to
5pm;closed Sunday, June 15th to August 30th. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard. (ADDED: May 11, 2016)
- Joseph Bouler - blueberries, peaches
Call for address, Rutledge, GA. Phone: 650-954-5758. Open: blueberries begin in late May, Peaches in June; call to check availability; weekdays from 1 pm to 5 pm, Saturdays from 9:30 am to 3 pm.
- Spence Family Farms - 2019 presumed permanently closed
2040 Hardeman Mill Road, Bishop, GA 30621. Phone: 706-614-4522. Open: UPDATE for 2019, Their website is gone; Does anyone have current information,
are they still offering pick your own or are even open? If
please write me. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Blackberries expected by June
2 and Blueberries by June 10. Payment: Cash, Check. We will also have
locally grown peaches and tomatoes available pre-picked and will offer
fish food for purchase to feed the fish in our pond. We are
officially opening at our new location on Saturday June 25th at 8 Am!! Located in Morgan Co., just north of Madison, GA is the Spence
Family Farm. We have 10 acres of beautiful farmland growing delicious
blueberries and blackberries just outside Bostwick. Come pick your own
blueberries and blackberries in growing season or come by and have us
pick them for you.
.blackberries, blueberries,
U-pick and already picked, snacks and refreshment
stand, restrooms
Sweets Berry Farm - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, apples, blackberries, blueberries, nectarines, pears,
Asian pears, peaches, plums, U-pick and already picked
3800 Davis Academy Rd, Rutledge, GA 30663. Phone: (678) 662-6119. Email:
owner@sweetsberryfarm.com. Open: Starting
in late May on Friday 11am to 4pm; Saturday 9:30am to 5pm; and Sunday 11am to 4pm. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Visit our website for opening date information;. We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment:
Cash, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page. Typical crop dates are Blueberries late May through late June, Thornless Blackberries late May through late
July; Peaches, Apricots, Plums and Nectarines June and July; Apples and Pears September and October. (UPDATED: May 13, 2021) (ADDED: November 05, 2017)
Newton County
- Alvoy Berry Farm - blackberries
740 Lackey Road, Newton, GA. Phone: 770-385-7383. Open: Call ahead for
hours, directions and availability.
Located in Covington towards Jackson, we offer Blackberries and Blueberries
U-Pick or We-Pick. We also have already picked tomatoes and assorted veggies
available. Please call ahead as we may have a limited/non-existent supply at
certain times through June and July. - Blueberry Hill - blueberries
6312 Highway 20, Covington , GA 30016. Phone: 404-771-1391. Alternate Phone: 770-787-1677. Click here for a map to our farm.
Open: July
and August, from 9 am to 6 pm; Call to
confirm hours, directions and availability before you go! Containers are supplied.
(UPDATED: March 24, 2010, GAMB) (UPDATED: May
13, 2013)
Comments from a visitor on May 03, 2011: "Great blueberry field with
delicious pesticide free blueberries. Eat them straight from the bush! I've
picked there several years in a row and know the owners personally. I
believe 2010's price was $8/gallon PYO and there are already picked
available as well. There is a port-a-john available and cold water on hand.
Strollers and wagons are easy to navigate and I'm guessing wheelchairs
would be okay as well. Containers are provided for picking and plastic bags
are on hand to take your produce home. I drive by every day (May 2011) and
it looks like they will have a great crop again this year. I can't help but
drool thinking about blueberry jam again this summer!" - Keel's Farm -
blueberries, Christmas trees
3270 H D Atha Road, Covington, GA 30014. Phone: (678)300-1477. Email:
keelsfarm@yahoo.com. Open: Call for Appointment. See their Facebook page (Keel's Farm) for hours during You Pick Blueberry season. (June - July). This
is a family-owned farm specializing in evergreen privacy trees and blueberry plants. We also have a You Pick Blueberry Patch, including the pink lemonade
variety, that is open in June and July. Keel's Farm specializes in growing Murray Leyland Cypress and Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae Trees in
various sizes. We also grow a variety of other trees. (ADDED: June 14, 2022, JBS) -
Mitcham Farm - strawberries, pumpkins, farm market, gift shop,
concessions or refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, picnic area you may bring your own food, inflatables or bounce houses, jumping pillow, pedal kart track,
farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours,
group reservations
797 Macedonia Church Rd, Oxford , GA 30054. Phone:
(770) 855-1530. Email:
mitchamfarm@gmail.com . Open: See our website for current hours.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions: From Interstate 20, take
Exit#93 off I-20 Hazelbrand Road (Highway 142). Go North on Highway 142 and
travel 4.5 miles. Turn right (north) onto Highway 81. Make quick left onto
Macedonia Church Road. Mitcham Farm will be 1.3 miles on the right and
Colonel Cob's Corn Maze on the left.
Click here for a map and directions. Strawberry Festival is on April
30th; Colonel Cob's Corn Maze is open from September 23rd through November
6th. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Mitcham Farm offers "Real Farm, Real Food and Real Fun" for all ages. In the
fall, families and groups can enjoy a giant corn maze, pumpkin patch,
hayrides, farm animals, rides, and more. In the spring and summer
strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes, onions and other fruits and vegetables
are grown locally on the farm. Mitcham Farm also hosts school field trips,
parties, weddings, reunions, and other groups and private events. Strawberry picking is open to the public in the spring on the
following days, dependant on weather and crop conditions: Strawberries -
Mondays - Saturdays 9 AM to 6 PM, Sundays 1 PM to 5 PM ( For daily crop
availability, check our Facebook feed or call (770) 855-1530. We also have
homemade strawberry ice cream, homemade strawberry jam, local honey, frog
jam, preserves, salsas, some fresh produce (depending on availability) and
other specialty items for sale at our Farm Stand. Our strawberry slushies
are a favorite with our customers! Blueberry and blueberry picking
in June - July are by appointment only. Please call about availability and
to schedule an appointment if you'd like to pick blueberries or blackberries
. Strawberry festival in early May,. (UPDATED:
April 23, 2018, JBS)
A visitor writes on August 02, 2013: "I picked a gallon
of blueberries and a gallon of blackberries in July 2013 at Mitcham Farm. A
little off the beaten path but worth the find. Wonderful berries at a good
price. Lots of large blueberry bushes. I truly enjoyed myself and the
delicious things I have made with the berries. Love the dog they have too! "
Comments from a visitor on July 24, 2010: "This blueberry farm is
awesome! There are tons of blueberries to pick. He has picnic tables and a
great playset. We have been twice already in July 2010. We had the best time
picking at this farm with our children and the blueberries have been
Comments from a visitor on June 02, 2009: "Our visit to
Mitcham Farm was great! (on 5/29/09) The people there were really nice. We
enjoyed our time there and the strawberries were huge! I had met a lady
there who had been there 4 times already. Our family definitely will be
making another trip back before the season is over. Be sure to call before
you go to verify for availability."
Nonchalant Farms - Blueberries,
Muscadines, grapes, Pecans
225 Fairlane Dr, Covington, GA
30017. Phone: (470)205-7360. Email: emmeffbee@protonmail.com. Open: By appointment only. They grow muscadine
grapes, scuppernong grapes, blueberries, pecans, bamboo (vivex & golden), pomegranates, eucalyptus, saffron, and a variety of garden seeds, plants and
bulbs. This is a palm tree farm and nursery, currently growing three (3) varieties of palm: Windmill palms, Pindo (Jelly) palms, and Sabal Palmetto palms. (ADDED: June 19, 2022, JBS)
Putnam County
Green Glades Farm - corn (sweet), prepicked produce
336 Glades Road, Eatonton, GA 31024. Phone: 706-485-8020. Email:
chad@greengladesfarm.com. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in
June, July. Open: Monday to Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm (call ahead for afternoon
pick - ups). White and Yellow Sweet Corn: late June through early July.
Payment: Cash, Check. All sweet corn will be pre-picked and sold by the
dozen or by the barrel.
- Bill Shaw - blueberries, blackberries, vegetables
122 Parks Mill Rd, Buckhead, GA 30625. Phone: 706-485-5678. Open: starts June 1st,
call for conditions and hours.
Rockdale County
Cottle Farms -
UPDATE for 2023: they are now permanently closed
Fairview Road, Stockbridge, GA 30281. Email:
ron1@cottlefarms.com. Open: UPDATE for 2023: they are now permanently closed. - J. H. Loden - figs
2286 Oglesby Bridge Road, Conyers, GA. Phone: 770-922-7335. Open: 8 am to 7
pm, daily.
- Martha
F. Mobley
4351 Bowen Road S.W.
, Stockbridge, GA. Phone: 770-929-8341. Call for hours, availability and price. Blueberries
normally available from late June through July 20.
(UPDATED: June 27, 2009 )
Other information:
We also have our own free and
simple, step-by-step,
instructions on canning, freezing and drying many fruits and
vegetables, such as how to make jam,
butter, applesauce,
sauce, salsa,
ketchup or
corn . If
you are looking
for Canners,
mixes, jars, pectin and other canning supplies at the best prices anywhere!
Farm markets and roadside stands
Local Honey Finder
Local Meat, Milk and Eggs
Venues: Farms, Wineries, Orchards for your event, wedding or party
Easter egg hunts
Children's consignment sales
Fruit and vegetable festivals
Winery tours and wine tastings
Horse rides, stables, lessons, trails
Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks
Bed & Breakfasts on Farms, Wineries, Ranches and Orchards
Pumpkin patches
Corn mazes
Zombie Paintball venues
Christmas Tree Farms & lots
Environmental resources
Consumer fraud information
Wholesale food sources
Resources for Farmers