2025 Massachusetts Blueberry FestivalsMassachusetts Blueberry Festivals in 2025

Update for 2025:

It looks like most festivals are returning, aside from those that were killed off by the lockdowns of the past 2 years. That took a heavy toll on their finances. I am checking with them day by day, if you have an update for an, please tell me via the Feedback form.

Looking for a blueberry festival in Massachusetts in 2025? (just scroll down the page)There is no other listing as complete and current as this list, just updated! All the blueberry festivals in Massachusetts we can find are listed on this page! If you love strawberries, look for a festival near you below! And I'm always looking for more blueberry festivals! Please write me, if you know of any to add! I update the dates as soon as the festivals publish their information, but you can always click on the links (usually the name of the festival) to see the current information on the festival's own website.

Always click on the links to the festival to confirm this year's dates; weather and other conditions could cause a change at the last minute. They may change or cancel at the last minute. . If they don't have a website, call the phone number provided, but ALWAYS CONFIRM THIS YEAR'S DATES AND TIMES BY EITHER VIEWING THEIR WEBSITE OR CALLING.

Click here for the form to add a festival and have detailed information; or click here if you have general information and are not connected with the event!

2025 Blueberry Festivals in Massachusetts - Where, When and More to Find a Blueberry Festival Near You!


Blueberries typically ripen in July and even August in Massachusetts and most of New England. July and August dominates as the months for blueberry production (and festivals). And while Maine is famous for wild blueberries, even these are now mostly grown on afrms; "wild" refers to the origions of the plant variety, rather than the method of cultivation.

There are two general types of blueberry festivals 1) community festivals, usually organized by a church, school, local Chamber of commerce or a town and 2). Blueberry festival held at and by a farm. They are different in what they offer, and community festivals tend to be less expensive so they are grouped separately. (of course not all states and areas have both.)
Following the festival listings are links to our easy to follow directions about making blueberry jam, freezing blueberries, blueberry pies and much more.

Community Blueberry Festivals

  • Chalrton Blueberry Festival - late July from 10 am to 4 pm
    4 Dresser Hill Rd., Charlton, MA 01507. The Charlton Arts & Activities Center is excited to offer a summer celebration where blueberries are just the start of the fun! This family friendly event is fast becoming a Charlton area favorite. Admission is FREE! 1:00-2:00 Live animal show by Animal Adventures Family Zoo and Rescue Center Live music. Amateur Cooks Blueberry Bake-Off and Silent Auction (In the Farmhouse). Locally Grown BLUEBERRIES for sale. Pony Rides. 12:30-3:30 Clowns for Kidz performers. CAAC Annual Blueberry Festival Facebook page.
  • Green Briar Nature Center & Jam Kitchen Blueberry Festival - August from 11 am to 2 pm.  UPDATE for 2022, There is nothing on their website about it, as of early May 2022 - call them, email them or keep checking their website
    Thornton W. Burgess Society, 6 Discovery Hill Road, East Sandwich, MA 02537. Phone: 508-888-6870. Celebrate our native blueberry during the height of the season. Enjoy a special blueberry dessert in the historic 1903 Jam Kitchen along with a demonstration of blueberry jam making. Desserts are $4, and all proceeds benefit the educational programs of the Thornton W. Burgess Society and its Green Briar Nature Center.

Farm Blueberry Festivals

In addition to community and church festivals, some private farms have their own blueberry festivals. See each farm for this year's dates (they often do not announce them until the end of May). They usually have PYO strawberries then, too. Also, scroll down to see the links to recipes, freezing, canning and jam making directions at the bottom of the page.

  • Kosinski Farm Blueberry Festival - July Their website provide little information - this may be more of a farm event than a true festival
    420 Russellville Road, Westfield, MA 01085. Phone: (413) 572-4344. Directions: From Mass Turnpike Exit 3
    Left at light on 10 & 202, Left at 2nd light onto North Road, stand at 1st stop sign.
  • Quonquont Farm's Blueberry Festival - typically held in early July 11 am to 4pm..
    9 North Street , Whately, MA 01093. Phone: (413) 588-2028. Open: Directions: See their website for directions. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards . Click here for our Facebook page. Pick your own crops, farm market, Farm venue, blueberries will be for sale fresh, Sales of the products made from blueberries, Deserts for sale , Food vendors, Farm market stands, Live music, Pets ARE allowed, Free parking, restrooms. (ADDED: June 06, 2023, Suggested by a visitor)
  • We will be adding these as we find them; Please write me, if you know of any to add!

Related Blueberry Information: Freezing, Making Jam, Jelly, Canning, Blueberry Pies, Recipes and More

Also, see our pages on easy illustrated blueberry directions:

For other fruit and vegetable festivals, see this page!